Teacher Relief

Schools Reimbursement


A payment of $300 per day may be claimed from AICES by schools when one of their staff is representing AICES in an official capacity
Official Capacity Definition – a teacher who has been appointed to an officials position by the Executive Officer of AICES at a CIS (or higher) event. These positions are:
AICES Convenor – may be required to attend an AICES or CIS trial
Coach of an AICES Team
Manager of an AICES Team
Selector acting on AICES behalf
Teacher Relief does not apply to Swimming, Athletics or Cross Country


Must be made on an official Claim Form
Clarification – The reimbursement is available for officials representing AICES. Any carnival or trial that is run by AICES is NOT eligible. Officials at Carnivals or Trials run by AICES are representing their Sub Association and therefore ineligible for reimbursement. The only exception to this is an AICES Convenor attending an AICES Carnival or Trial who is not involved in coaching or managing a Sub Association team.

Officials Reimbursement

A number of AICES Officials are required to work on weekends and or holiday periods. Those officials who are acting in an official capacity for AICES are eligible to claim an honorarium of $200 per day (pro rata). As this is outside school hours and a purely voluntary position, payment can be made tax free as long as the recipient lodges an Officials Payment Form and the Statement of Supplier Form (Hobby Form).


Teacher Relief Form – click here

Officials Payment Form – click here (For duties outside school hours)

Hobby Form – click here (must accompany Official Payment Form)