AICES Code of Conduct

Listed below are the expectations of AICES in terms of the Standard of Conduct of all those participating in the activities of AICES.

Coaches / Managers

1. Coaches should recognise that games are for enjoyment, and satisfaction comes from doing one’s best for the team. Provided players feel they did their best on the day, there should be no recriminations in defeat.
2. Coaches should develop in their players respect for the judgement of all officials (referees, touch judges, etc.).
3. Coaching from the sidelines must be restrained. Managers and coaches should not encroach on the field of play.
4. Coaches are to accept player safety as an essential priority.
5. It is an educational responsibility of coaches to acquaint their players thoroughly with the rules or laws of the game as these provide structure and order. For this reason, coaches should continually update their knowledge of the game.
6. The role of the coach is to support and encourage the players. Criticism should be focused on the mistake and no personal derogatory remarks should be made.
7. Any conduct of players or spectators in contravention of the code of conduct should be reported to the Sport Convenor, who will inform the Executive Committee at their next meeting.



1. Players must attend all matches, trials, training and meetings punctually.
2. Players must wear appropriate team colours and apparel and correct footwear.
3. Players must refrain from using offensive language on or off the field.
4. Players must not ‘talk back’, or verbally abuse the referee, or other game officials. Queries must be directed through the team captain or coach. Verbal abuse of players and spectators is also strictly forbidden.
5. Players must at all times play within the rules of the game. Fair play is to be encouraged. Rough play and/or tactics designed to upset the opposition are not acceptable. Deliberate fouling or provoking an opponent, or throwing equipment is not acceptable or permitted in any sport.
6. Players must abide by the decision of the referee. Players are never right in expressing disapproval of a referee or umpire’s decision.
7. Players should display a sporting attitude and applaud all good plays, whether from own team or the opposition.
8. Players must treat all players as they would like to be treated. Players must not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player.
9. Players are expected to be modest in success and generous in defeat, not showing in either case undue emotion in word or action.



1. Spectator seating should be used or alternatively spectators to remain a reasonable distance from the playing area.
2. Respect the officials’ decision regardless of their own opinion and encourage players to participate as good sports.
3. Verbal abuse of any player(s) or Official is strictly forbidden, as is the use of offensive language.
4. Barracking is expected to be positive and enthusiastic and never be directed at the opposition. The following are examples of bad sportsmanship :
– barracking during a kick at goal
– attempting to influence a referee’s decision
– applauding a player’s dismissal from the game
– booing
– whistling
– disagreeing with the decision of an official
5. Spectators at venues are expected to co-operate to the full with any regulations, instructions or requests, made by the home school or convenor concerning car parking, use of facilities, seating, dressing rooms, behaviour and the movement of spectators on and off the grounds.
6. All adults are expected to set an example by their self control at games.


AICES Rugby Camp Code of Conduct

All players will comply with the following code of conduct:
As a participant in the AICES Rugby Camp I promise that I will:
1. Show good character. Be honest, caring, trusting, considerate, unselfish and a credit to my school, myself and my family.
2. Respect myself, fellow campers, coaches, officials, opponents and the game.
3. Follow camp rules at all times.
4. Give my best effort at all times.
5. Not use tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or banned performance enhancing drugs.
6. Not engage in any criminal conduct, including, but not limited to laws governing possession, provision and use of drugs and/or alcohol